Beta 2 - Masonry Row Jumps Back To Top of Row When Scrolling

Hi Charlie,

I am using the new masonry settings on a row for the first time. it looks great, but there appears to be a scrolling issue on the front end. When I start to scroll and the top of the row/section leaves the viewport, the screen jumps back to the top of the masonry row.

You can see a screenshot video via this link:

Additionally, the same masonry grid has a modal linked to it, to show a slideshow / larger version of the image. It is an exact copy of an identical structure I am using on another website, which works well. However, in this case, when an image is clicked it is going to slide #1, rather than the correct slide, despite the data-x-slide-goto being correctly set to the looper’s index - exactly as it is in the other website where the correct slide is displayed.



Is there a way to turn off litespeed cache on that site to see if something in their JS was causing the issue?

Sure thing. It is a plugin and I have just disabled it.

I have the same problem, but only when logged out
When I turn off Masonry on the row, all works again

I hope this can get resolved soon

I see the issue now, something to do with effects. I’ll have a fix in beta3. Thanks for the examples, have a great day.


Wonderfiul @charlie

Thanks for getting to the bottom of this

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Thanks Charlie. Glad you have spotted the trouble.

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