Masonry is great - but clarify the guide please

I’ve just been playing with the Masonry feature and really like it. Thanks so much Charlie! I haven’t noticed any bugs yet but I will look more at it during the week. One thing, in the guide that I didn’t get was this part:
What does “Masonry works best when your columns are divisible by themselves” mean?

Really glad you like it. I updated that part of the docs. I also meant to use width instead of height. Below is what I wrote. Let me know if this clears things up.

For example 25% goes into 75% 3 times. While 40% + 60% totals up to 100% , there is a remainder of 20% (or 1/2 if thinking in fractions) when 60 is divided by 40 . 20% 20% 60% would work because there is no remainder when dividing 60 by 20.

I get it now! Thanks Charlie

How about:
In Cornerstone, you can input any values into the Template control, but Masonry layouts work best when column widths evenly divide into each other and add up to 100%.

For example:

:white_check_mark: 25% + 75% (75 is divisible by 25)

:white_check_mark: 20% + 20% + 60% (60 is divisible by 20)

:x: 40% + 60% (60 + 40 is 100, but 60 ÷ 40 leaves a remainder of 20%)

Choosing widths that divide cleanly ensures a balanced and properly aligned layout.


Thanks for the suggestion I will definitely use that.