Masonry - column grow does not seem to work

I am loving the masonry additions to row! I have been waiting for something like this for such a long time it feels. Thank you for taking this on board

I have tried masonry (see secure note for link)
and I am using a column size of 25em and column grow… so that columns will always be 25em but grow to fit the space. As you can see in the example, when you shrink the screen size, it goes to two columns but those columns do not grow to fit the space

The library we are using positions thing with absolute and flex based styling like that won’t really work from what I could tell. On your site what I would do is set the columns to 2 when you hit that breakpoint to get a two column look on mobile. I can try playing around with it some more and see what we can do here. Thanks for testing.

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Would be great if you could find a way around this, as setting size and then grow makes for a really nice and easy responsive gallery. I do understand that you may not be able to change the library though