Looper: Get the porfolio-category from portfolio-item using Query Builder

Im using Looper Query Builder and consuming ACF custom fields with no problem. Now, how can I get the portfolio-category taxonomy text of the current post inside the Query Builder Looper.

I want to show in a card element the title, the subtitle(acf), the image(acf) and the portfolio category.

Hello @armandogomez,

Thanks for writing in!

To get the portfolio category, simply insert the Terms element.

Kindly let us know how it goes.

I know that, but lets go future the simple way we use this dynamic content, I want to insert this categories on the class to set each category as a class for the element chosen

Hello @armandogomez,

If you need the categories as a class, you can use the post classes instead by utilizing this dynamic content:


Hope this helps.

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