Hello all
I am in the process of removing a plugin, from quite a few sites, that was once bundled with Pro and X themes (The Grid).
The Grid plugin added the function to add categories to files (attachments) held in the Wordpress media library and then allowed you to create a gallery that could be filtered based on category.
So i am looking for advice on the how best to achieve this using loopers, possibly twig and ACF pro.
I know i can add categories to the media via ACFpro. I also know i can use a looper with a query string such as this:
post_type=attachment&post_mime_type=image&posts_per_page=12&post_status=any but it doesnt feel like the most efficient way and its really awkward to build the query strings that cover the categories or at least i am struggling to do it dynamically. In head i would use URL parameters to adjust the images shown in the gallery but also knowing i could use FacetWP if i wanted something a bit more slick.
I have experimented with a Lopper provider of query builder with a Post type of Media but this doesn’t seem to return anything.
Is this something i can start exploring with twig?
Any guidance is much appreciated