Loading time

I’m referring to a topic from 4 weeks ago that was about the fact that the menu can only be opened after 30 seconds.
Apparently the loading time of the website is so long that the Javascript code of the off canvas menu is only available very late.
I built the website with Pro and Cornerstone, basically like I’ve been doing for years, but something is causing the loading process to be delayed.
After I published the page with the provider STRATO, the problem became more obvious because the website only appears when all the code has been loaded. The long loading time affects every page of the frontend and the backend.
I’m sending access data in a secure note.
Do you have the opportunity to check what is delaying it?
Many thanks and regards,

Hey @salilou,

Thanks for reaching out!

Upon checking your website, I noticed it loads very slowly when accessing the page. I suspect that some of your custom code or plugins conflict with the loading time. I highly suggest that you check our common troubleshooting.

Hope that helps and let us know how it goes.

Thank you very much, I’ve figured it out now.
It was due to a local 30MB video that was embedded on the homepage. I replaced it with a YouTube video and now it works. However, I’m wondering why this slowed down all the pages in the frontend and backend so much…
Best regards,

Hey Hannes,

The large local video file likely consumed significant server resources, impacting the performance of both the frontend and backend. Large files can increase the load on the server’s bandwidth and processing power, slowing down the entire site. By using a YouTube video instead, you’re offloading the hosting and streaming burden to YouTube’s servers, freeing up your own server resources and improving the site’s performance. This is a common practice to optimize website performance.

Hope that helps.

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