Lining up Footer Elements

In the footer section, I would like the Privacy policy line and the social media icons to line up with the white box above…making it flush on both sides…so the Privacy policy line and social icons stay with the width rather moving way off to the sides when I resize the window. I have tried numerous ways to fix it but i am having no luck. Thanks in advance.


Hi Grace,

Thank you for writing in, Please instead the Footer Bar and configure the dimensions option with the following:

Outer Spacing = 0
Content Length = 88%
Content Max Length = 1200px

If you’re wondering where did I get this values, this is actually your Site Width and Site Max Width configuration under Theme Options > Layout and Design.

So now your Footer and Content container should have same width and that will align there content.


Thanks Friech I will try it and report back.

You are most welcome!

I am not sure if this worked. The social icons and privacy policy lines are still hanging over the edges of the white box above and not flush with the edges. I changed the dimensions to what was indicated by the red line in the dimensions options link you gave me. I did notice however, that under set up the initial position and sticky bar fields were missing. Would that make a difference or should I have put something different in the Dimensions box fields?

Where do I find the fields that are showing the numbers in the Theme Options > Layout and Design? Do I have to change them there? I thought i had to change them in the dimensions box in the bar but the titles of the fields are not the same as in the Layout and Design…

Hey Grace,

Make sure you go to the Bar’s settings and then under Dimensions you configure the following options:

Upon checking your footer setup, It seems like you’ve not configured the Bar settings but instead you’ve done it for the Container. I’ve tried it via Chrome’s developer tools and with right configuration, you should see the following:

If you still have problems then please get back to us with the URL/User/Pass of your WordPress dashboard using the Secure Note functionality of the post to follow up the case.


Thank you nabeel! My numbers were wrong. That was one of the issues. It’s perfect now. I don’t know what I would do without you guys. Cheers!

This is actually a good question for other people who want the same effect with their footer. Hopefully, it will help someone else.



It’s our pleasure to help you.

Thank you.

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