Large amount of redundant table styling when using blank or starter stack

I am working with a site set up on the Starter Stack and trying to style tables, and I’m now seeing a whole bunch of style declarations that are overriding my styles, but are broken in their declarations.

An example below:

As you can see, there are a lot of styles being set based on the value of variables, but the variables themselves are not set anywhere.

I am trying to add site-wide default styling for all tables just using table td or table th etc, but this is being overridden by the broken styling shown above.

Is this a bug, or something that can be turned off for the Starter Stack?

Strangely all this extra variable styling doesn’t get implemented in some of the other stacks, e.g. Integrity.

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Cornerstone standalone does this and both those stacks are based on that CSS. I can remove those styles for the starter and blank stack they probably are not helping. They are primarily for WooCommerce tables. Thanks for sending this my way, have a great day.

I see, thanks for looking into this.

The strange thing to me is that the variables all have no value and are not set anywhere. Do they get set when WooCommerce is then enabled as well?

Cornerstone standalone sets all it’s theme options as CSS variables. It allows for breakpoint values in theme options and eventually we would probably move this system or something similar to X and Pro stacks to get breakpoint theme option values. That’s more or less why they didn’t exist in the table styles.