Keybindings in Safari

I haven’t had time to mess with the keybindings since you guys redid that system, but finally started to get in there to figure out the new mappings… and I’m having a hell of a time getting anything other than Save to work in Safari.

I feel like back in the day, some special work had to go into getting keyboard shortcuts to work in Safari. Did you happen to revamp the entire system when you moved to the new structure for these? I’m wondering if that Safari work got left behind…?

I don’t think I’ve experienced any safari keybinding issues. A recent change is that the alt right can’t be used in keybindings to support international keyboards if that is throwing you off. Which version of safari are you using?

I would check that this site didn’t change any of the keybindings in DevTools > Tools > Preferences. So if “save” works, does anything involving “alt” or “shift” not work? What is an example keybinding you are trying to do?

Do you have this same issue on the playground?

Safari 16.5.2 on a US keyboard.

It’s interesting. In playing with it some more (also in the playground), it seems that sometimes Safari decides it wants to have the shortcuts all for itself. For example, mod+f in the code editor typically pops the internal Find. But sometimes it triggers the Safari Find On Page. This happens with mod+s sometimes too, where it will occasionally trigger the default Safari Save dialog. Seems to be linked to whether I last clicked inside the builder or not. When I posted, I must have been trapped in a bad loop, because some of the ones that weren’t working then, now are.

Per your reference to Alt, what does that map to on the Mac? The control button – or also the option button?