Jetpack and Cornerstone?

Aaaaand, i’m back!

I’ve just configured Jetpack to be my site’s search engine.

When i get search results, they show varying versions of “[cs…],” like “[cs_element_text_id…]” and “[cs_content_seo].”

Does the “cs” refer to Cornerstone? And, if so, how do i have these statements hidden in visitor search results?

As usual, thanks for your help.

Hi Shannon,

Thanks for reaching out.
Can you please share your website URL, I have checked the URL listed in your Themeco Account and it shows the coming soon page, and staging is showing an error.


Hey Shannon,

I believe that this is a bug. It seems that Jetpack checks the content descriptions that have the Cornerstone shortcodes in it. I will forward this to our developers.


Thank you, ruenel! I really appreciate your help.


Hi Shannon,

You are most welcome.

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