Issues with 404 Template

For some reason the styles for my 404 template are not loading correctly.

This is how it looks in the builder

This is how it looks when you visit the page URL:

But this is what happens when you trigger an invalid URL ( for example: )

I already tried disabling plugins and cleaning server cache. I’m using the Themeco 404 plugin.

Hello @ignacioleonrod,

Thank you for the inquiry.

The site loads initially on our end, but when we checked the other pages, they won’t load anymore. Are you currently working on the site?

Regarding the 404 issue, please provide the login details in the secure note so we can check it.

Are you using the Custom 404 extension?

Best regards.

Hi Ismael!
I didn’t make any changes in the site today :slight_smile:
I added the secure note.

Yes I’m using the Custom 404 extension.

Thank you for the update.

The site is down again.

Instead of using the Custom 404 extension, have you tried creating a Single Layout with this condition?

Please check this documentation:

Let us know once the site is back up.

Hi Ismael, thank you very much.
I removed the plugin, deleted the page and created a single layout with that condition and It works perfectly.

About you not being able to see the website, I think Cloudflare could be blocking your IP because I don’t see any drop in the traffic. I’ll investigate it more, is it possible for you to let me know from what region is your connection and if you’re using an VDI or something?

Thank you very much again for your help!

Hey Ignacio,

We are from different regions and we can’t give you an IP. With that said, it would be best to turn-off the restriction first while we check your website.

Thank you.