In the Looper Provider, when you go to the options for Order By and select Meta Value or Meta Value Number, the Meta Key options that show up are not associated with the post or custom post type. They show a selection of meta values for the current post / page you are working within, but not what is available for the currently selected post type.
I can see that it is possible to add a custom Meta Key by going into Breakout Mode, but I’m wondering if the options can update dynamically based on post types selected?
Once inside the looper, and in a consumer item, going through the Dynamic Content adder for Meta Values shows the right list of relevant Meta Keys.
Another option would be to have an item in the dropdown for “Custom” which flips the field over to Breakout Mode without needing to explicitly enable it. This may help beginner users achieve what they want to do without needing to know about more advanced features such as Breakout Mode.