Issue "themeco pro editor" wiht WPML

I use themco pro editor with WPML for a 3 language page “stadtü” in 2018.

It worked very well until the last update… Now i have this issue: when i translate a page, the english version does no more show up. It takes the german version or it does not show anything. The editor preview says that the url configuration is not correct. (look at the print screen aded). Usind better search replace, i have checked al the database if there are urls error. nothing found… where exactly can I see the urls of pro editor preview?
is there a problem between pro and wmpl?
thank you very much for your help

Hi @laboutiquedesign

It seems the issue might be coming after the migration has been done from another URL, some of the previous URL still exists. I would suggest you replace those URL by using any of the free available plugins in the WordPress repository, or you can go through the following article which may help you on this:
If that is not the case and any migration has not been done previously, there might be some different reason behind your reason, I would like to suggest troubleshoot the following common issue to help us to recognize the reason.

1.Plugin Conflict
2.Theme Update related issue
3.Child Theme Related issue ** if you have activated it.
4.CSS/JS Customization
5.Disabling Cache
6.Disabling CDN

If you discover that an issue is coming from a custom code or 3rd party plugin, kindly consult with a developer or contact the plugin author. Please note that we do not provide support for custom codes and 3rd party plugins.
If none of the above helps and you are still getting the issue, please create a new thread and provide login credentials for your site in a secure note to examine it further, including:

– WordPress Site URL & Login URL
– WordPress Admin username/password

To create a secure note, click the key icon underneath any of your posts.


Hello @laboutiquedesign,

Thanks for providing the information. As it turns out, your WP dashboard URL is different from your Site URL in Settings > General. Be advised that the builder will check on these URLs. They need to be the same.

See the secure note.

Kindly let us know how it goes.

Thank your for your respons.

Yes the whole installation and all the pages are in the subfolder /wordpress linked with the “access”-page. Until now it worked very well. do you really think it is because of that?
Because it worked before the last update. if there would be another solution…i would be glad, otherwise i have to change the whole thing in to the mainfolder and change all the urls again.

Hi @laboutiquedesign

You need to set the same URL in Settings > General as suggested by my colleague to avoid such an issue.



Ok, put the whole page to the main folder. Changed the URL in Settings. And with better search replace I changed all the urls in the data-base to xn–

  • editor still does not work
  • now another issue: he lost the connection to all the images… why?

Thanks for your quick help!!

Hey @laboutiquedesign,

Your site or the links you provided previously are currently down. Please ask your web host to fix those first so we can continue investigating.


Yes, I tried several things.
When I changed the whole site to the main root and changed the url, like you proposed, it did not change anything. Than I changed all urls with “better search replace”, nothing changed. I tried other url changes, so I destroyed the database and had to back up the site first.

Conclusion: nothing helped. The editor can no more find the way to the english and spanish version.

the side ist working now if you can continue your investigation. thank you!

Hi @laboutiquedesign,

Unfortunately, the previously given credentials are not working. I would request you to check and re-share it once again.


here are the correct credentials:

Hello @laboutiquedesign,

Pro 4.2.3 is now available in automatic updates! This release contains fixes for several issues, like you have mentioned above, so be sure to check out the changelog ( Please do update to the latest version. After doing the updates, always remember to clear all caches when updating so that the code from the latest release is always in use. This will help you to avoid any potential errors.

See the secure note.

Best Regards.


  • I have done the updates, nothing changed
  • Like I said, I stored the page in a subfolder /wordpress. I tried to changed that as well and put the whole site in the mainfolder and changed in settings to dashboard url “https://stadtfü”. Nothing changed. So I reversed that.
    the editor find only the way to the german pages but not to the english and spanish. See again de picture.. I give you in the secure note also the credentials of the hosting. maby you see there where the problem ist. Somewhere it must have a wrong url… i tried already everything using “better surch replace” to change to the right URL. Nothing worked. I really do not know what to do next…

Hey @laboutiquedesign,

This has something to do with “unique domain per language” WPML setup.

I’m not sure why this worked before when, if I remember correctly, the setup isn’t supported.

With that said, I’m going to consult with our development team for this to be sure.

Please stay tuned.


Hello, yes it worked very well before the last update. Could you find out anything with your devolopment team? What do you recommend me to do now? It is not possible to create other pages in english or spanish, they event do not show up…

Hey @laboutiquedesign,

Regretfully, there’s no news yet so I’d recommend that you contact your web host to revert your site from a previous working version of it.


Hi @laboutiquedesign,

We’ve been able to confirm this is a bug in more recent versions of Pro. I believe Pro 4.0 is the release where it was most likely to have broken. Regretfully, I don’t have an ETA on when this will be resolved as it’s a bit more involved. If you need an older version of Pro in the meantime let us know and we can send it to you.

Thank you for your update.
Yes, it must be a big issue. Now for exemple, when I want to edit the navigation in the header, it shows me the wrong language in the left editor column and even the wrong navigation line. As soon as I change it, it changes as well the other two languages… compleatly weard.
We will do what you remommended, upload an older version of pro. Please let me now, when you have found a solution of this issue. I would be greatful, I already bought over 10 licences of themco pro and up to now I was very lucky with it.

Hi @laboutiquedesign,

Thanks for understanding. We will let you know once it is fixed.


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