Is This Design Possible In Cornerstone

Hi Charlie,

I was reading a UK online newpaper (also available in US and Australian editions) this evening and came across a page, which, despite the topic, looks incredible. (Warning to anyone sensitive to potential warfare situations, this link may be upsetting!).

My question is, could this style of design, which I believe is similar to some Apple product pages (Apple Watch Ultra 2, for example) be replicated in Cornerstone? It has some very cool features.

I would appreciate your thoughts.

Many thanks,

Not without a lot of JS. It looks like it’s using GSAP for it’s animations on scrolling. You could probably use the design portion in Cornerstone, then give each section a custom ID. So you could use it with an animation JS library. Have a great day.

Thanks for that. Probably not a goer. Enjoy your day too!

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