Ipad Pro Breakpoints not included in Tablet Option

Hi, it seems to an ongoing issue that the iPad Pro screen size does not fit within the tablet breakpoints provided in xTheme and cornerstone. Due to this, I am having a problem with how many of my pages look on a tablet. Is there a way to include the check if the device is a mobile, and increase the screen size to cover the iPad pro within the CSS and make that the global breakpoint for the tablet? I need to add/remove the column, and row visibilities based on these breakpoints want the tablet and laptop sites to be the same viewing experience.

Below is a breakpoint example. Would something like this work and be able to be implemented as part of the main table breakpoint:

@media only screen
and (min-device-width: 1024px)
and (max-device-width: 1024px)
and (orientation: portrait)
and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2) {
.fullwidth-menu {max-width: 85% !important;}

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Hi @bezambar,

Thank you for writing in, Ipad Pro Breakpoints is under the Large breakpoints (between 980px and 1099px). That means you need to consider the iPad Pro screen when you’re working on Large breakpoints layout.

If you need a media query specifically for the Ipad Pro devices, then yes you can use your custom CSS.


Sincerely speaking, I think Themeco needs to work on the breakpoints and probably add more.

This will make our websites more appealing across devices.

I have thought about the iPad Pro breakpoints before but I just had to keep silent because I know this is the reply I’d get.

Please Themeco, consider adding more breakpoints!

I think listening to your users critically will make this theme “really” the best and not just by ordinary saying “It is the best”.

Consider this.

Thank you.

Hi Barry,

We appreciate the feedback.

What we can do for now is to add this to our Feature Request list so that it will be considered for future development.

Thank you.

Awesome. I’m looking forward to seeing it being added.

Thank you.

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