Initially Hidden NavBar Starts Appearing

Hey there, I’m creating this post at @christian request.

My website ( has 4 Headers. The Home Page Header was fixed by the ThemeCo Support at some point in the past, but not the other 3 headers of the site. I’m providing a screenshot as requested by @christian on the previous post above.

I’d like to learn how to fix that, since the same “template” is used on another site.

Thank you very much folks!

Hello @fabiofava,

I have tested your site and the header on the homepage does not have the issue. You can only experience it on the inside pages. I have checked the page source and it may be a cache issue. Does this happen after you have updated to the latest version of the theme? Maybe we can deactivate all your caching and optimizing plugin to make sure that the latest codes from the latest theme files are loaded on the page. If you also have a caching mechanism in your hosting server, we may need to clear all the site caches as well.

Kindly let us know how it goes.

Hey @ruenel, thank you for the infos.

I’ve disabled WP Rocket and the Varnish cache for this site. It solved for other pages using the Header “Cabeçalho Padrão” (same of the Home Page), but didn’t solve for any of the pages Using any of the other 3 Headers, as examples below: --> Header “Capa Loja Voe Livre” (Shop Header) --> Header “Capa Experiências” (Blog Cover Page) --> Header “Produtos e Posts”(Any Product) --> Header “Produtos e Posts” (Any Blog Post)

It started happening months ago but I didn’t have time at that point to try to fix it. Some ThemeCo Supporter has fixed it on the “Cabeçalho Padrão” (Main Header) but not on the other headers, and I couldn’t discover what was actually done. I’ve tried disabling (and saving) the option “Hide Initially”, then re-activating it (and saving), without results.

I’ll keep looking forward from you, caches will be kept disabled until we find it out.

Thank you very much, best regards!

Hey @fabiofava,

You a selector in the Trigger Selector that does not exist. Please remove the selector. I’ve tested that in your page and it’s fixed. Please do it to your other headers.


Thank you very much @christian, you’ve nailed it!

I’ll now start re-enabling the cahes, any issue I’ll refer to WP Rocket, they’ll help on that.

Thank you again to you and all the ThemeCo Support Staff, you folks rock!

You can close this ticket, thanks!

You’re welcome, @fabiofava.

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