Icons side by side


I tried searching for this but I couldn’t find out the answer. How do i make the icon element place 5 stars in a row for a rating, instead of one star per line? Is there an easy way to do that using the icon element and not a bunch of hard coded FA lines?

Hello @fxground,

Thanks for writing in!

You can use the Rating element;

If you need something custom, you can have an element structure like this:

Div element - for the width
 Div element - wrapper
    Div element - Icon wrapper
        ICON element displaying the star
        ICON element displaying the star
        ICON element displaying the star
        ICON element displaying the star
        ICON element displaying the star

You can control the star rating with the DIV - Width element which will hide the overflow. The Flexbox option in the DIV wrapper needs to be enabled and the direction will be “Column”.

Hope this helps.

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