Icons broken after update on 30+ websites

Hey guys,

I have 30+ websites all with broken icons now due to this SVG update that just happened. Another user has found a way around the bug, but we can’t update all those websites to fix this now. This is a major issue and needs a very quick response please! We have ecommerce stores suddenly unusable.

Please let us know the quickest way to fix this, or if there is going to be a patch like today to fix it?

Thanks in advance,

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Same here. Hope you guys can come up with a quick fix.

Yep, just logged on to flag this very issue.

Same here :flushed:

same problem, please issue a patch, you cannot force everyone using icons to manually update.

on a site i noticed that the toggle menu that had 2 icons, had the first icon converted to SVG while the interaction icon was still a webfont.

SVG should be an option instead of converting previous layouts and breaking sites.

We’re taking a look now. Resetting the Font Awesome load type in Theme Options to SVG should ensure the SVG directory will be unzipped and available for use.

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A fix out now will try to ensure the Font Awesome SVGs directory is unzipped when an individual element has SVG enabled. Let us know if you’re still experiencing issues. There are also new warning messages.

The icons are working on my end with the update. But now I have all those svg files back witch gives problems taking so much innodes on the hosting.

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Thanks for the quick fix @charlie. Appreciate you guys jumping on this so fast. Tested some updates now and it’s looking fine so far. Will update more if there are problems.

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@Timmid Long term In your case I think we’ll need to get you a filter prevent it from ever happening. Setting to Webfont mode in theme options should never unzip the SVG directory.

I am up to date on X Theme (10.4.4) and Cornerstone (7.4.4) and still have this issue. Debug log is full of errors on every page load.

[29-Nov-2023 16:03:52 UTC] PHP Notice:  Attempting to load FontAwesome SVG without php-zip installed. Please install php-zip or switch icon or ThemeOption to Webfont in .../public_html/wp-content/plugins/cornerstone/includes/integration/FontAwesome/FontAwesome.php on line 51
[29-Nov-2023 16:03:52 UTC] PHP Notice:  Could not find icon : o-lamp-desk in .../public_html/wp-content/plugins/cornerstone/includes/classes/Services/FontAwesome.php on line 341
[29-Nov-2023 16:03:52 UTC] PHP Notice:  Could not find icon : graduation-cap in .../public_html/wp-content/plugins/cornerstone/includes/classes/Services/FontAwesome.php on line 341
[29-Nov-2023 16:03:52 UTC] PHP Notice:  Could not find icon : l-book-reader in .../public_html/wp-content/plugins/cornerstone/includes/classes/Services/FontAwesome.php on line 341

I never selected SVG on any website in theme options, Webfont is selected there. Still on almost every website icons are individually loading SVG. So I need to edit all the icons manually and select webfont? That’s not workable.

There is a quicker way that another user found.

Goto Theme Options, change to SVG. Save. Reload Cornerstone. Change back to Webfont. Save. I had to go do this on all my websites before the patch happened. Giant pain.

Thx for the reply. This works when you already upgraded to the latest patch? Or you need to go back first? That also is a giant pain before can use your workaround.

Still not working for me… tried everything above… :unamused:

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On a new website I made today on a fresh installation I see that in the theme settings the default is set to “Webfont”. But if I add an icon to a headline or button the load type by default is SVG.

This way you gonna use a mix of the both load types when you don’t want to.

Attempting to load FontAwesome SVG without php-zip Unfortunately without php-zip installed SVG icons can’t be used.

The graphic icon type is wrongly defaulting to SVG right now causing some issues in this thread. We’re gearing up to have a final fix for these issues. We’re adding in a control to either enable or disable individual icon load types. So in other words only what the theme options FA setting is set to will control the output.

We’re also changing the SVG unzip process where if you change back to webfont it will delete the SVG directory. It’s probably unzipping in the siteground instances due to the graphic icons wrongly defaulting to SVG.

I think that should handle everything I’m seeing.

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Thank you. Looking forward to seeing an update soon.

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Hi, I assume this update is not yet available? When it is will you add it here in this thread for a download or will it be a general X theme update? (Most of my sites are on Pro but one of my older sites on X had this same issue and nothing in the suggestions here worked for my setup so I have had to revert to a backup from before this bug … will keep this old version until I know this is sorted)… Thx.

Hi @kirk74,

Are you using the latest Pro 6.4.4 or the X theme 10.4.4/Cornerstone 7.4.4 version? Please update to these versions first.
