I hate Modern Events - what are the alternatives?

So I’ve always had problems with Modern Events Calendar and now I just realized what a nightmare the whole “Archived Events” thing is

I can not get the UPCOMING events to just populate on a page, I’ve created multiple events pages and now they all have numbers after them, which really throws off my permalinks

I knoww ME is part of the X Theme Pro suite, but I really hate ME, what other options are there?

I’m not a developer, so another reason I really don’t like ME, I want something I can easily change on the fly, not have to dig through some code.

Now I’m really screwed.

I deleted my original “Events” page and now when I’m trying to re-create it after permanently deleting any previous copies, the permalink of www.ohiocannabis.com/events

Sends me to this image url:


So then I deleted that image from my library & now it redirects me to:

That image is still active if you click on it, yet I don’t see it in my media library?

What in the heck would it be doing that and can anyone help get this straightened out?

I’ll add login credentials with a secure note.

Hi John,

Sorry to hear that M.E. Calendar extension is not the one that suits your needs. What I advise is to test a few of the top Events Calendar plugin out there and see which one that suit your needs.

Please check your Redirection plugin, it seems to be doing that.


Ok thanks for that redirection info, I deleted all of the extra URLs.

Of the other options at the link you provided, EventOn looks pretty cool, but they don’t seem to have a free version and I’m not ready to drop $24 on it yet.

I think I’ve tried out by accident before this one: The Events Calendar

Does that one integrate ok with the Pro theme?

Also, if I wanted to keep the Modern Events Calendar, any suggestions on fixing this archive slug & page issue?

I want all of my upcoming events to populate on www.ohiocannabis.com/events

And if I need to create another Archived Events page, I’m ok with that as long as everything works properly.

I’ve already created a ton of events & info/vendors etc that I don’t want to lose, so if you guys can help set it up properly, I will stick with ME.


Hey John,

Regarding the The Events Calendar plugin, I have seen users using that plugin so it might be working well and we have no conflict reports.

Regarding your events page, I see that it’s a regular page. To display events on that page, you’ll need to set up a MEC Shortcode and paste the shortcode in the page. Here’s the instruction: https://webnus.net/dox/modern-events-calendar/category/shortcodes/

Hope that helps.

Ok so I just added the Monthly Calendar shortcode to my main events page:

That populates fine.

But when you click on an upcoming event, the event loads up and has Archived Events as the Parent Category:

How can we fix this so that the “Events Home” link/category is EVENTS and NOT Event Archives?

I’ll create an Archive Events page, but I don’t see an option to choose which page Modern Events actually populates on within it’s Settings dashboard?

I’ve added my login info to a secure note.


Ok I think I figured some things out.

So I figured out if I change the Archive Page Title from “Archive Events” to “Upcoming Events”

it changes the Home/Parent Category link to just that:

I also found that if I change the Slugs/Permalinks Main Slug to: Events

It now populates on the Events page properly:

But now after changing all of those, the browser tab still says “Archived Events”, which makes me think this isn’t the right way to do any of this:

Now I’m just wondering if doing it like this will in fact screw up the Archival aspect to these events with Google?

Anyone have an idea?

This is absolutely ridiculous that Modern Events is this frickin complicated to post upcoming events.

Hey John,

We’re glad that you now know how to use the settings you showed us.

Here’s some additional info. When you did this:

You opted to use MEC’s Main Archive page rather than your previous page which is a regular page as I’ve mentioned previously. MEC’s Main Archive page is like the main blog or index page of WordPress. MEC does not provide an interface to edit the page title of its archive pages though. But, the Page Title can be overridden by SEO plugins like Yoast SEO which you are using. That is evident when I deactivate Yoast SEO, the Page Title reverts to the default. I activated Yoast SEO back after.

Please contact Yoast SEO support to learn how to override archive page titles.


I’m still so confused as to why MEC thought it was a good idea to set their plugin up like this.

Even with the Yoast SEO plugin I wasn’t able to change the tabs browser name.

I think I’ve reached my limit and I’m going to switch plugins.

I submitted a ticket to MEC customer service to get their input.


Hi John,

Maybe it just does not suit on what you need. I don’t see any “Event Archive” in browser tab title now, but the actual event title.


So it seems I’ve made some traction and figured some of it out.

So the main trick to get the Events page to function like normal is to Disable “Events Archive Status” under Settings>Archive Pages

I also had to change the “Archive Page Title” to just “Events” instead of "Archived Events

Because if I didn’t then the hierarchy of an Upcoming Events showed up under “Archived Events” for a return link. This just isn’t right.

So I also changed the “Main Slug” under Settings>Slugs/Permalinks to just “Events” so no “Archived Events” link shows up and everything starts acting all weird.

But when Events & MEC is setup with the Events Archive Status: Disabled, that affects your SEO? I really don’t want to do that if that’s the case, I have enough problems with SEO.

I’ve created an “Archived Events” page, but what do I need to do to get MEC to populate them on that page? Just add a shortcode of some kind?

This has all been really confusing and frustrating and I’ve spent hours and hours and hours and hours to try and get this all sorted out.

I really like MEC otherwise and think it looks great. But this Archived Events situation is a disaster.

I still have no idea what I’m supposed to do with the Category Slug of “mec-category”?

Hey John,

I believe the confusion here comes from trying to fix multiple areas at once. Let’s try solving your problem with the mec-category slug. That is the MEC Category Base slug, which is like the WordPress. You’ll see that if you visit a Category Archive page.

A sample SEO optimized MEC Category would be events-category. Try changing to that or anything else that suits your project.

After that, tell us if you are all set with the MEC Category so we can move on to your other problem areas. Once we move on, let us forget about MEC Category, so eventually, we’ll arrive at just one problem.


Yeah I’m not really too concerned with that mec-category at the moment, but I appreciate you covering it.

I think the whole Events page thing is figured out, but I’m still lost on how to properly setup the new Archived Events page I created.

Oddly enough, I just realized the google maps isn’t populating in events any more?

I know my google API code is good, just triple checked it. I have “Show Google Maps on event Page” enabled on the Modules>Google Maps Options

Any idea whats causing this?

Hmm I figured it out, for whatever reason the MEC Main Sidebar was completely not active with any modules for some reason.

Other than setting up the new Archived Events page, I’m gtg

Any idea what would be causing a double nesting hierarchy to populate?

Where I can turn one of these off?

The one at the top looks like it should be the one that gets disabled

Ahh I just found it. I had “Breadcrumbs” enabled on the Single Event Settings Page

I really don’t understand what Breadcrumbs are and I thought I wanted it enabled, but not if it adds an additional navigation module just below the standard one.

What is the point/benefit to it?

Does anyone know if you can move the Export Options Google Calendar & iCal section/module from the bottom of the event page to a smaller module tucked in the MEC Sidebar?

Hi John,

Please check this guide:

Please give us more details about the things you want to do that is not covered on that guide. We can check if there’s an alternative, though most probably it might be available via customization and it is outside the scope of our support.

About Breadcrumbs:
The standard breadcrumb you are referring is coming from the theme. The other is coming from MEC plugin. Since you want it uniform all through the site, it is better to disable MEC breadcrumbs.

Unfortunately, I can’t see the issue with GOOGLE MAPS. There’s no events showing on frontend and credentials above doesn’t work anymore.

Yes, this is possible by editing the default template though this outside the scope of our support. Although, here’s the guide: https://webnus.net/dox/modern-events-calendar/category/developer-document/

Hope this helps.

Yeah I’ve read their blog on Archive Events, it’s really not that clear.

  1. Events Archive Status: If you disabled, then you should create an archive page for MEC. Its slug must be identical to the main slug of MEC. Also, it will disable all of MEC rewrite rules.

This is the problem I’m trying to figure out

Because if I have either the Archive Page slug or the Main Slug set to anything other than “Events”, it shows Archive Events or whatever.

I’m trying to get MEC to help me with this, but they don’t seem to want to help me unless I upgrade their plugin to Pro.

I thought I had MEC Pro with the X Theme Pro?

Shouldn’t they be able to give me support for this issue based on my purchase of X Theme Pro?


Hello John,

You are using the MEC plugin bundled in Pro theme. We at Themeco will be the one who will give support to the plugin since it is bundled. It is only limited to set up and minor cosmetic changes. Any bug should be address the the creators of the plugin. Any custom development is beyond our support and shall be done a 3rd party developers instead.

Upgrading to MEC Pro would mean that you will have to purchase a separate MEC license and then the MEC guys can provide you support.

Meanwhile, before creating “Archive Events” page, you must empty your trash and make sure that there are no pages that uses the archive-events page slug to avoid having the archive-events-{n} numbered page slug.
