I hate Modern Events - what are the alternatives?

Ok so I’ve created the page “Archived Events”

And I changed the slug to “Archive-events”

Yet I don’t see anything populating on the page?

Do I need to add a shortcode to this page, or should it auto-populate based on the slug?


I’ll add my login info to a secure note.

Main events page:

Hi John,

I think there is a confusion, what Ruenel’s meant is you shouldn’t create a page named “Archive Events” with a slug archive-events. An archive page is not a standard page, creating a page with the same name means you’re overriding an archive page. So please delete the pages you created that use archive page naming.

And you already created the archive page for the events, and that is the https://www.ohiocannabis.com/events/

  1. Events Archive Status: If you disabled, then you should create an archive page for MEC. Its slug must be identical to the main slug of MEC. Also, it will disable all of MEC rewrite rules.

My question is, what archive page is you’re really expecting to see, are you creating multiple archive pages? Because there is only one and that’s the main events, the other is category archive pages.

Now if you intend to have multiple archives, the you’re correct creating “Archive Events” and just use the shortcodes in Admin > MEC > Shortcodes as the page content. Please check this https://webnus.net/dox/modern-events-calendar/category/shortcodes/. They are not really archive pages, you’re only creating custom pages that has those shortcodes.


No I only intend to have one Archived Events page.

So I want my new & upcoming events to be listed on: ohiocannabis.com/events

And I want all past events to be listed on: ohiocannabis.com/archived-events

The only way I seem to be able to accomplish this is to disable Event Archive Status

And also have the Main-Slug & Archive Page Title to both be set as “Events”:

Then I created a new shortcode for Archived Events that only lists past events:

Seems its about the only setup I can get with MEC so that my new, upcoming events are always listed on my /Events page.

I think the piece I was missing was to create a new shortcode dedicated to past events and add that shortcode to the Archived Events page.

I should be gtg unless you see an issue with SEO with it setup like this.


Thank you!

Hi John,

I think that’s the best setup since you can alter SEO data on standard pages where shortcodes are added. So yes, just create pages that will serve as archive pages. Then let the main and real archive to be the /events/.


What do you mean “let the main & real archive to be the /events”?

So as I mentioned, I have my active & UPCOMING events populating on:

And my Archived Events populating on:

Even though we seem to be confusing each other, I think I have it set up properly right?

Also, I think you’re right, altering the SEO data on these individual pages with Yoast SEO should suite me just fine for proper google SEO ranking.

Hey John,

Regarding this statement below:

I believe that is what Rad meant by

We’re on the same page now so your setup is good.


Awesome, thank you all so much!!

You’re most welcome!

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