HTML migration error code

I copied my site over to a staging site, wanting to test the HTML migration. MOre or less immediately it spit out the following error message:


There has been a critical error on this website.

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I will add a secure not with login-credentials to the staging site. Feel free to play with it.

I had the exact same thing on my staging site. My problem was that i switched on the maintenance mode directly in the hosting panel. After deactivating it there and tunring on a maintenance plugin everything worked.

@striata Can you turn on WP_DEBUG on that site? Or let me know where the debug log is there. I can diagnosis from there. You can also try what deranaloge said as well. Have a great day.

I there an update on this issue? I have the exact same problem on RC1.

@xoa Create a new thread where I could see the site. Or enable WP_DEBUG and let me know the message you received. Have a great day.