Just to be clear this is in relation to the Post Navigation element NOT the Post Pagination element that I’ve put in the title. I’ve mistakenly referred to the wrong element.
I’ve updated the secure note with a new test site on a clean WP install for you to play around with. While putting the single layout together there are a number of further problems. See this screenshot of the Page Navigation elements at the end of the single post layout.
Fig 1. The prev/next icon arrows correctly function as expected, going to the next and previous posts correctly.
Fig 2. The icons have been swapped for prev/next text and I’ve included dynamic content for the post title. In the prev button {{dc:post:title post=“prev”}} and in the next button {{dc:post:title post=“next”}}. But they don’t work correctly. They titles are wired backwards - the prev button displays the title of the next post even though it correctly links to the prev post, the next button displays the title of the prev post even though it correctly links to the next post.
Fig 3. Same problem with dynamic content post titles as Fig 2 but the html isn’t being rendered (it is in the Pro Preview window).
Also, when viewing the first or last post, the dynamic content in the prev/next button appears to be blank. Could this be related to the post titles being reversed in dynamic content?