How to lightbox an image?

Hi, I am looking to lightbox an image so when it its clicked it is a lightbox and you can see it in more detail. I realized there is no native way to do this. However, I saw shortcodes but not sure how to implement this. Could you walk me through this process?


Hi Jason,

Thank you for writing in, you can use the Modal element, that element is a lightbox.

The default toggle of the Modal element is a circle hamburger button, but you can actually configure that to be an image. Then place your detailed image inside the Modal Content.

Hope it helps,

How would I change the default modal element to an image?

Hello Jason,

You need to go to the Modal element —>Add the child element as the Image Image element.
Test-Page-Builder-Pro (6)
By using the Image element you can upload the image it would be used for the lightbox.

Now you need to configure the modal element, you need to click on the Graphic check box to enable the graphic support on the Modal.

Now upload the image and adjust the image size

Test-Page-Builder-Pro (6)

Hope it helps

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Oh I must’ve missed the graphic check box. Thank you for your help

It’s always great to be of assistance, Jason!

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