Hide "Category Archive"

Hello there,

I’m not sure if it’s the right name for it, but I do have a “Category Section” which is displayed after hitting a category in the blog area.

How can I remove the “CATEGORY ARCHIVE”?

It’s the wrong language (is it changeable?) and redundant.



Hi Martin,

Thanks for reaching out.

It should be translatable but if you intend to hide it, then please add this CSS to your global custom CSS.

body.category .x-header-landmark {
display: none;


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Thanks! It worked.

It seems that there is a blank space (row) now where the landmark was. Is it possible to remove that as well?

How could it be translated (if I would like to later on)?

Hi Martin,

Please check this https://theme.co/apex/forum/t/setup-translation/61 for translation. I also recommend using WPML for translation.

As for the space, please add this CSS as well

body.category .x-container>.offset {
margin-top: 0px !important;


Awesome quick response. Thank you a lot!

You’re most welcome.

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