Header: Startpage & blogpage header swished places

Hey there,

I have tried to figure out how to replace header on each page of start and blog. It became so when I downloaded the theme and I could not quite figure it out yet.

All help would be appreciated :slight_smile:

Hello There,

Thanks for writing in! The header in X theme is global which means that it will display in all site pages and posts. The display order would be the logo/menu and then the page title or landmark header. You cannot simply switch the order by display the blog title or Landmark header first and then the logo/menu of the page.

You can however add a slider and assign it above the mastheade or above the logo/menu in some page and you may also add a slider below the mastheade (logo/navigation) in some pages too. To know more about slider and how it can be applied in your site, you can check it here: https://theme.co/apex/forum/t/troubleshooting-revolution-slider/197

If this is not what you want, would you mind providing us screenshot or an example url where we can have a clear idea of what you really what to have in your header.

Best Regards.

hmm… Not really.

As you can see… my startpage has the blog’s header and my blogpage has the startpages header. I would like to swap those to its place. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1dF4_sFsvuMMecdHumdbmk1ufiPKQF_0p?usp=sharing

Hi There,

The header section has done using cornerstone. You can anyway change the title and image of the header section.
If you could send us your login details in a secure note so that we can check what exactly happening in your setup. Because in the demo the home header and the blog header are in the respective pages.

Please send the details in a secure note.


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