Header and footer not displaying correctly

I tried to upgrade my website to the newest Themeco Pro version but I had some issues so I decided to roll back a current backup of the themes folder. Everything works fine again except the header and footer won’t display properly. Could someone advise me what else I need to restore in order to get the header and footer back please?

Hello Eric,

Thanks for writing in! I have check your URL which is associated with your license code. I can see that you are using an older version of Pro theme. Pro 2.5.5 is now available in automatic updates! This release contains fixes for several issues so be sure to check out the changelog (https://theme.co/changelog/). Please do update to the latest version. After doing the updates, always remember to clear all caches when updating so that the code from the latest release is always in use. This will help you to avoid any potential errors.

After doing the updates, always remember to clear all caches (if you are using WP Rocket, LiteSpeed Cache or W3 Total Cache) when updating so that the code from the latest release is always in use. This will help you to avoid any potential errors. And please clear your browser cache too. You may use private browsing mode in testing your site to make sure that you are viewing the latest codes from the updates and not the cached version in your browser.

Please let us know how it goes.

I updated the website to 2.5.5 but the header and footer still don’t show up. Could you have a look please?

Hey Eric,

Please provide the page URL where the issue is happening so we could check the setup and see why the header and footer don’t show up.

If you’re site’s in under construction mode, please disable it or give us your site’s WordPress Admin Login URL, Username and Password in a Secure Note


Hey Eric,

The cause is improper updating. Pro was installed inside the Pro folder.

It should be installed directly under the themes folder like themes/pro. Not themes/pro/pro.

You can move the Pro folder to the themes folder or just uninstall Pro and re-install again. This time, following the Proper Theme Installation.


Hi Christian, I reinstalled the Pro theme and I managed to get my header back but I still have a problem. The mobile site is not showing properly. On my phone and tablet the desktop site is shown instead of the mobile layout and in the development environment the desktop site (1200px and up) shows up fine but in the other layouts both the desktop menu (navigation inline) and the mobile menu (navigation collapsed) show up. I can’t see anything wrong in the layout settings, navigation inline is hidden for the lower resolutions and navigation collapsed is hidden for the higher resolutions…

Hi Eric,

It seems there is still a conflict with the old pro version you have since you did not completely delete it.

Would you mind providing us FTP or cPanel credentials as well so we can take a closer look?


Hi Eric,

Please check again. It should be working now. The meta file that handles responsive display is corrupted. I have uploaded the correct file and it should be working now. If you find any other issue, please try to completely reinstall the theme.

Hi Lely, I checked and the site is being displayed correctly on desktop and mobile but on the resolutions in between (tablets etc) both the inline navigation and collapsed navigation is displayed. I checked the settings but the inline navigation should be hidden on lower resolutions and the collapsed navigation should be hidden on the higher resolutions. Very strange and I can’t figure out what’s wrong.

Hi Eric,

Can you be more specific about resolution in between (tablets)?
I am not able to duplicate the issue. See this: https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cqjjXqOLtv

Hi Lely, I re-installed WordPress and the Pro theme. It seems to be fine now. Thanks for your assistance.

You’re most welcome!

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