Had 2 licenses of X Theme, Upgraded One, Need help with the other please

Hey ThemeCO team, long time fan and support of your products!

Back before PRO was released I purchased 2 copies of x-theme, one from envato market, one from here. When PRO released I upgraded one of those x-theme licenses to pro. All gravy. Here comes my dilemma. I visited the licenses section of this site after maybe a year of being away from my development game. I installed my original x-theme theme on a website I’m in the process of building for myself. My objective is to use xtheme and particularly revslider by importing demo data and building off of that.

I logged into the WP dashboard, entered the key straight from the envato license PDF and it unlocked the theme. When I try to use the same key to unlock my revolution slider, I get the message “If you want to use your purchase code on
another domain, please deregister it first”. I would just uninstall it from the first domain I installed it on but i believe it’s long expired if its even the one I’m thinking of. I have a ton of sites and consider myself a wordpress tinkerer of sorts. I’m really not sure which of the 100+ domains I installed it on.

Also, I’ve attached this screenshot (and covered the keys). What’s the difference between staging and production if any?

Could you amazing folks at theme.co help me deregister my initial xtheme license so i can use it on this new site where I know I’ll keep it forever? Wishing everyone happiness and health during this crisis we’re going through. Stay safe & much love!

Hi Sam,

Welcome back to our Themeco family and I wish you and your family are safe on these trying times.

The Revolutions Slider plugin is a bundled plugin that we included with the theme as we have a contract with the plugin developer. The contract is only to include the original plugin files of the slider and it does not include the add-ons and additional services.

My guess is that you want to use the additional service of installing the demo content of Revolution Slider. Unfortunately, that is not part of the contract that we have as a bundled plugin. You do not need to have the Revolution Slider plugin key as it is not the same with our theme key and whenever you use our theme you can legally use Revolution Slider without entering the slider key. But I’m afraid you will need to purchase the plugin to have the demo import service available.

You took the correct steps to validate the theme and you have access to the bundled plugins now. You can learn more about the theme validation here.

You can add the URL of your live website to Production slot and validate your installation. But sometimes developers need a staging version of the website at the same time with the live site to do tests before updating the live website. That is why we provided another slot called Staging which you can use to enter your staging website URL and use the same steps to validate the staging version installation to be able to fully use the theme while developing.

It seems that you already validated the theme for the new website but if not, I’d appreciate it if you give us the URL/User/Pass of your new website using a Secure Note and we will follow up on that.

Thank you.

@christopher thanks so much for your diligence and kindness my friend. I submit a secure note and included the login portal URL along with a user/pass for an admin account I made you. I had a couple of other questions in there as well. Thank you in advance!

Hi Sam,

Thanks for the credentials, I went ahead and checked and that site is already validated. And I can only see one set of license, it’s X license upgraded to Pro, they are just basically one although the two licenses are displayed. It’s seems you’re trying to transfer the X license to another account? It’s currently unlocked, but you can’ just do it since it’s basically just one license and just upgraded. Is that what you intend to do? Else, I recommend providing the second license and site information where it should be assigned :slight_smile:

As for revolution slider, it’s a premium feature to import new module from template. That would require a licence directly bought from the plugin author. The plugin that came with the theme is free and fully usable without restriction except if you’re trying to use the premium features and its addons. Those are services that are only available once your plugin is directly connected to their server by activating the license you bought from them.


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