Global color values not working in component custom css

I have created a component that I use in a header mega menu. For this component, I would like to use additional CSS at this point in the component element in the mega menu.

screenshot_ 2024-03-14 um 11.09.54
screenshot_ 2024-03-14 um 11.06.57
screenshot_ 2024-03-14 um 11.07.04

CSS in component “element css” (not in the component defined globaly itself):
screenshot_ 2024-03-14 um 10.32.24

The global color seems to work here if you put out the value in a text field:
screenshot_ 2024-03-14 um 10.34.40

But this value doesn’t work in the “element css”, see developer console (value --tco-dccs16-0 is not defined!):
screenshot_ 2024-03-14 um 10.33.12

Hey @Regnalf,

We would love to check your element settings and the CSS. You can create a secure note in your next reply with the following info:
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To know how to create a secure note, please check this out: How The Forum Works


Best Regards.

Sure, you find the component css under:
Header > Balken Header > Container Navigation > MM Mobil > K - NaviZeile

screenshot_ 2024-03-17 um 10.00.04

Any Update???

I had to change the layout for the customer again, so unfortunately I can no longer offer access.

But here again the steps to reproduce the error:

  1. create a component and embed it on any page or post.
  2. use a global color on this page for this component in the element CSS Editor, e.g. as background color. (see screenshots)
  3. view the result in the Browser Developer Tools.

This will be fixed in a release or two. You can probably get around this by not using “Component Direct” as in the component workspace selector, if possible. And instead using the component from the element library picker. Have a great day.

thanks @charlie, my solution now was to wrap this in an extra div. but i hope i could helped with reporting this bug.

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