Get design cloud template shown on youtube channel

Hey there,

I’d like to get the princing table template used here:
In the comment from 7 Months ago, it stated that it would be included in the next release.

thanks for your help!

best regards

Hey Denis,

Thank you for reaching out to us. The Pricing Columns in the video tutorial was not meant to be included in Design Cloud, it serves as a guide only and is to help you in getting started and to show you the possibilities in Cornerstone / Content Builder.

I re-checked all the comments and the comment from 7 Months ago was about the Custom Attributes which is now available in all V2 Elements. You can access it by navigating to Customize > Custom Attributes

Hope this helps!

Thank you, what is custom attributes for?

Hey Denis,

Custom Attributes option is used to add a custom attributes to the wrapper HTML tag of the element. Such as data-info=123 . You can use the option to inject custom information into the element to use on your customization code:


You can read more about Custom Attributes here

Hope this helps!

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