FYI Moving license issue when using admin with non-default language

I searched the forum and there were other similar cases unresolved so opening a new with potential fix:

I tried to revalidate my license after hosting change (for some reason the validation has gotten “lost” somewhere) and noticed that site validation did not succeed when when validation was done from admin using other admin language than default.

So if the site is “” and (in my case) default language is Finnish, validation fails if I try to validate with the admin set to English. Is your code sending the site address as “” when using English as the admin language? If that is the case then, you should match “” and not “” to the site listed in the themeco account. Just a guess.

Hi @mrboats,

Thanks for reaching out.

I suggest that you will remove the URL Location in your themeco account to reset the validation.

Afterwards, revalidate your website and it will automatically update the URL Location in your themeco account. If it doesn’t help, please give us the following information in a Secure Note.

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts.

Thank you.

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