Hi Johnny,
I have checked and found the WordPress admin login URL is wrong, still, we can log in with the default login URL. It seems that you are using a very old version of X i.e. 3.2.5. As you are using a very old version, I suggest you copy your live site to a staging server and update the X and install the Cornerstone by following the below steps.
- Delete the existing Cornerstone
- Update the X theme to the latest version on automatic updates
- After the X theme is updated, use the link in the dashboard to automatically install the Cornerstone. It will be on the latest version
And if everything goes fine in your staging, please migrate the staging server to live and try to activate the license once again.
Please remember that, as you are using a much older version, you may need to create a few pages from scratch.
NOTE: The X- SHortcode plugin is now deprecated, and please uninstall it before you do the above steps.
Hope it helps.