On the website in question I display e.G. sponsor logso for the post or Page based on post a taxonomy (Using ACF Pro, let’s call it sponsor). This is usually working fine, however I noticed that these logos are also displayed not only on pages or posts, but also on the front page or the posts page.
The row in question has the Condition "Post (has taxonomy)" has "Sponsor"
. I was able to hide the logos on the Front page by introducing a "Front Page" "is not being viewed"
and concatenate that with AND to the previously mentioned condition. However this does not work for the Blog page. It seems as if the taxonomies for the latest looper element will be used in the foter for anything under Current Post. Thus the logos are displayed on the Blog Page whilst it has none configured on its own.
The condition "Blog" is not being viewed
will hide the row on the Blog Page (yay) but also on all blog posts (noo). Thus I’d like to know if there is any Condition like "Blog page" is not being viewed
, just like for Front Page.
I’d greatly appreciate any help or hints.