@font-face custom font not working


I have posted the @font-face code and the corresponding tags (with !important) into my child theme, but X’s Google fonts are still over writing the custom fonts.

What am I doing wrong?

Note: site is a developmental site without a URL.

Hi There,

It is working when I checked. It is just different from what you share above. You might need to clear cache. See share image on the secure note.

Hi Lely, thank you for your reply.

I’m using Firebug with Firefox to check my coding (b.t.w I’m just a beginner with coding Wordpress). I’m wanting all instances of Headlines, including custom headlines (and blockquotes) on the site to be in the Soho typeface.

Will the code below achieve that for me?


Yes, your code is correct.

You just need to make sure that the url of your font is correct.

When you visit the url it returns 404 which means that the path to your font is wrong.