Following up on critical error

Sorry for delay. Difficulties setting up staging site while away…

Previous Issue

Staging site is set up and now we can hopefully solve issues. Sending site info in a private message.

Note if you can articulate the solution I have a second site that also crashed when wordpress was updated - need to fix as well.

Thanks so much!!! Grateful for help!

Hello @abehouse,

Thanks for writing to us.

I checked your staging site, I went ahead and uploaded the X theme and it seems that is working fine at the moment. Please clear your browser cache and check it.

I am not able to access your other site please share the credentials and FTP login details so that we can check it on our end and guide you properly regarding your issue.


How can we restore all the previous X-theme custom settings from the previous site listed in note below. Can we just copy files via ftp? I may have confused you. I want to restore the website in the note below but have copied files to staging site. I want the old theme settings and obviously content to bring the site back to life. Right now we managed to get the original site working (so we could get to the admin page), but have installed 2023 theme as X-theme crashed with updates. Make sense. I was assuming we would just use staging site to work through restoration?

Wayback view of old site:

Trying to avoid rebuilding the site entirely. Was hoping you could identify the problem code in the previous site. I think my host only copied over the wpcontent folder assuming that maybe is all you need to rebuild the site. But you can see what is on the original site. Hope you can help.

Hey @abehouse,

In your live website, there’s an issue with your current PHP version. I highly suggest that you update the PHP version to 7.4 or up.

Once the PHP version is updated, we can move forward.

Thank you.

Hey there. The staging site is PHP 8.X. The original site is 7.3.9 on an older server. Can we focus on rebuilding the site on the staging site - use the old to build on the new… It will become the new site when working again. Is that the main problem that caused the issue with the wordpress update?

Hello @abehouse,

In your staging site, please go to Tools > Site Health > Info > Server and you can see these settings:

Your Post Max and Upload Max Filesize should be at least 64MB. Increase your PHP Memory Limit to 256MB too.

And then you can activate the X theme and the Cornerstone plugin.

Best Regards.

Should be up to date now! Thanks for working on this!

Hello @abehouse,

I checked your site settings it seems that your server PHP version is still 7.3.9 and the server configuration is still the same. I would suggest you please contact the hosting provider to upgrade the PHP version.

I recommend increasing the following server settings to the specified value or larger. Please consult your web host for all these server settings

Configuration recommended

memory_limit = 512M
upload_max_filesize = 512M
post_max_size = 512M
max_execution_time = 300
max_input_time = 300

Hope it helps

The original site is on an old server. Was hoping you would resurrect the site on the staging site - we’ll make that the new Can we do that?

Hi @abehouse,

In your staging site, everything is working fine. The settings you made for the X theme, are stored in the database, and if you update the theme it will remain the same. Now you can change the server settings as suggested by my colleague and check after updating the theme.
Please let us know if you find any difficulties with this.


How do i copy the original WordPress site theme x database to the staging site to resurrect the site? What files to do you replace on the staging site to get the original website back - keep the settings, plugins… what files do I make sure I don’t transfer?

Hey @abehouse,

Have you updated the X theme and Cornerstone plugin to the latest version already? The PHP version, is it already using PHP 8.0?

To migrate, you can copy all files except the outdated X theme files and Cornerstone plugin files. You will have to copy the database too.

Hope this helps.

I tried replacing the wp-content folder while keeping your cornerstone and themes folder…and the wp-config.php file. It gave me white screen. Can you please explain more specifically how to restore the database from the old wp-content folder? Better yet - can you just handle it? Sorry - not that advance here.


Also the work-config.php file is empty???

Just saw a message that cornerstone isn’t working properly - Wordpress found a problem…

Hello @abehouse,

It should be the wp-config.php file.

What sort of errors are displayed? I have checked your staging and it is not displaying any errors. You must log in to hosting panel and copy the database. You may ask for further assistance from your hosting provider and state to them that you want to copy the database of your main site into the staging site. They should be able to help you with this one easily.

Best Regards.

Getting closer. The theme and template seems to be active…but none of the content appear or plugins work from the old site are working. Now what?