Feature Requests: Gradients, DC Logout URL, Auto Switch to Duplicated Element

Hey team :slight_smile: Hope you’re doing well.

Just thought I’d put in a couple off feature requests whilst I remember:

  • Background Gradients - as well as colour, video and image, a gradient option would be rad!
  • Dynamic Content Logout URL - This could be quite handy, as currently I create a shortcode to get the link (with nonce).
  • Auto Switch to Duplicated Element - I would LOVE it if when I duplicated an element that the inspector automatically switched to the new element. At the moment it stays on the initial element, and 9 times out of 10 I edit the initial one by accident. So if it would auto switch, that’d be rad.

Thanks for your time :slight_smile:

** Edited to add auto switch request


Gradients in general would be nice, not just on backgrounds. You can even apply them to text.

Hi @conorseed,

We’re definitely going to have Gradients at some point. It’s more involved since we need to make a custom UI for it and it just hasn’t be as high on the list as other improvements.

I’ve added Login, Logout, and Registration URL options to dynamic content. Look for them in the next release!

As for the duplicate thing, it definitely makes sense since you’re probably wanting to change something in the duplicate right away rather than keep editing the original. We’ll keep that in mind and either change it or possibly add a preference.

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3 years later, are gradients still on the list of things to come?


If it did well on our last poll you would already be in gradient heaven. I personally was on Team Gradient, but the FontAwesome SVG changes were probably for the best as it really does cut the size of Cornerstone sites. Would love to do this after Pro 6.5 which we will probably take another poll after it’s release. Have a great weekend.

Just wanted to chime in here. Not sure if the right people actually bother with the poll. This feature request comes up frequently with new users on the Facebook group.

While it isn’t critical in the sense that it is easy enough to do with CSS it is one of those features that will make Pro easier to use.

My personal opinion on this is that, while Pro is possibly one of the best builders (which is why I continue to use it), for better growth there are a lot of things that just need to be easier. One example of this is gradients. This is mostly true for attracting newer or less experienced users.

Perhaps part of the new “quality of life improvements” cycle should take a hard look at some of the things that can be done to make things easier for new users.


I agree with you @urchindesign - about the poll, there are things which are easy for us who have been using Pro for years which we wouldn’t actually vote for because it 's not a problem for us. But looking from Themeco’s point of view of wanting to attract new customers, then it is just these types of things which would mean that a potential customer would choose Elementor


Good to know, thanks Charlie.

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I appreciate the thoughts. There’s plenty of quality of life improvements to be made and you’ll see a bunch of those in Pro 6.5. Everything from Modals improvements, to the reintroduction of the preset packs. I’ll keep gradients in mind in the future.