Feature request: white label Pro

Some white labeling features would be really nice to have to present the Pro theme and builders to our clients as though we built it ourselves (hah, no chance! :smiley:)

I’m not talking about anything drastic like changing the layout and design of the system or anything, but rather a couple of small things that would go a long way to making it feel more our own.

  • An option to remove or replace any Themeco product or company logo’s and icons.

  • Rename Pro to something else.

  • Specify our own loading spinner.

  • On the page/post edit screen the edit button inside the editor container should follow WordPress core styling for buttons.

The above would go a long way I think.

This might fit in with the upcoming Theme Options Reboot cycle? If you’re open to doing it at all. Curious what your thoughts are.

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Thanks @JvP for sharing all this. I’ll bring it up with the team sometime.

Cool, thank you!

No problem!

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Will any of this be part of the upcoming updates?

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would be great!

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Hey there,

Since this has never really gotten any further official response, I’d like to revive this topic again.

How are you guys now feeling about letting us white label the Cornerstone builder a bit more?

In recent times we have gotten a filter to change the CS favicon (nice) and with a little bit of UI CSS I’ve hidden the Themeco design cloud templates options (don’t want clients to access that) and I’ve removed the Cornerstone name from the CS navigation toggle:
cs-nav-toggle-name-removed Think it looks cleaner that way.

Would love to change the icon itself and add my own text there, though.

Throughout the builder there are many bits that could be white labeled. For instance there are ‘?’ info buttons that take you to the Themeco website (don’t want that for clients), the Help panel contains links back to the Themeco website. It’d be amazing if we could either hide these or put in links to our own support resources and even add some custom content to the help panel to even better assist clients.

I’m curious what your thoughts on this are now after nearly 3 years :slight_smile:

I’ve talked to Kyle on this before and we’re more interested in it then maybe a past Themeco was. There’s a number of things like you have just mentioned that we would have to do. And if we did start making those changes needed for a White Label, we would then release a plugin after the fact to help you style it. I appreciate the notes on the Themeco website part, those didn’t occur to me as a thing we would need to change. Have a great weekend!


Thanks Charlie, that’s great to hear!

Do you mean that the plugin would allow for custom UI color palettes like how you can change the color palette of the WordPress backend? That’s a cool idea.

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Yeah pretty much that. Just a general UI to get you started on theming and to make it easier.


That sounds absolutely amazing :+1:t2: