Feature Request: Menus as a looper provider

Perhaps I’ve missed it, but is there a way to use a menu for a looper provider?

I’ve wanted to set up an animation so that when a particular menu is opened, each element has a slightly longer animation delay than the element before it (try the Apple.com menu on a mobile phone to see an example of the type of thing I’m trying to do).

I can of course do this manually, or by creating some other kind of custom looper provider using ACF. But I couldn’t figure out how to create that animation either using the default navigation element, or by creating my own custom looper powered by the wp menu as the data source.

Hope all is well, and look forward to testing the Beta soon. Have been too busy to try it yet.


This is not a looper type yet. The main problem I see is the usefulness of this is determined by being able to loop recursively over menu items inside a menu item. Otherwise it would just be the top level items and anything inside that menu item needs to have another looper setup. Top level items might be all your after based on the Apple example. It might come in a phase by phase basis, where the first feature is a menu looper and the next feature is giving loopers the recursive ability. It’s something I’d like to take a look at this year.

Hope all is well with you too. Have a great day.


I really would like this possibility. I did the following on several projects:
1.) Create a JSON with my menu / subemnu items, descriptions etc.
2.) Create a looper based custom menu for the desktop version
3.) Create the same menu-structure again as a “normal” WP menu
4.) Use this menu for the mobile view with one of cornerstones menu components
Being able to use the given menu structure as a looper provider, I would not have to have redundant data - and would not have to write JSON instead of using the drag and drop menu-features of wordpress.
So I really like to see this feature!
Best regards

I tried sending you a message. Not sure if it went through. I have a way of doing this. Let me know if you’re still looking for it

@Sheri17 are you able to post here how you accomplished this?

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@Sheri17 - in case you did send the message to me - it did not arrive. In case you send to another person in this thread: I’d really like to hear how you did realize this!