Feature Request – Helper text option for parameters

It could be pretty helpful to be able to put in an option for helper text, similar to what you have in other parts of the admin UI. For example, what you see when opening up the settings and hovering over the Dynamic Content checkbox.


I could imagine passing an additional option for something like this as helper (but a better name than that) and having the result be a little box with that text appears on hover. Would be very useful for end users. But also just reminders for ourselves for what we want there.

"color" : {
"label" : "Primary",
"type" : "color",
"helper" : "Select a primary color to use for this field"

Was going to put in a request for something like this as well, +1.


Almost missed this one. Yes we can add this into parameters. It will be the description key like the Element API. There are some controls that don’t have descriptions if I remember correctly, but just bring them up and I will add the popover text to them as well. Have a great day!


Rad, thanks @charlie - any idea when that might make its way in?

I assume it won’t break anything for me to start using that parameter today since we know what it’ll be?

It won’t break anything if you use it now. It’ll 100% be called description too to match the Element API. I’m thinking the point release next Monday.

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Love it. Thanks @Charlie!


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