Feature request for sliders: additional custom attribute

I have been using sliders to great effect in loads of areas, and they work really well to achieve all sorts of advanced components.

One issue I am coming across though is building custom navigation for the sliders outside of the slider itself.

I have a series of buttons with data-x-slide-goto set up to link to one of three slides, set up as a kind of advanced tabs block. I would like these buttons to have scroll effects applied, but this messes with the slider exit and entrance animations.

Reading the docs, I see that it is possible to use noDisable as the value for buttons with the data-x-slide-next attribute, but for the data-x-slide-goto, this obviously can’t be set as the value due to the slide number being set there.

Is there another way to turn on the noDisable attribute? Perhaps through another attribute like data-x-slide-goto-no-disable?

Greatly appreciated if so!

This is admittedly a feature I have not played around with. Could you send me a template where this issue with the scroll effects is happening? I can certainly add another attribute where it does something similar to what the previous and next are doing. I kinda just need to see the issue in action though, my shallow test with goto still had the animations in the slide working.

I have put together an example of what I’m talking about here: https://components.odb.host/slider-as-tabs/

I’ll add access details in a secure note, as I don’t think exporting the template was working for me.

I think I’m still missing what’s going wrong here. I could only notice that the colors were greyed a little when using goto, is that what you mean? From what I read noDisable does something different for previous and advance so I’m not sure it will translate to a goto as easily.

Sorry for the confusion!

In the slider example, my expected behaviour is that the slide links (Slide 1 », Slide 2 ») should all be visible on every slide. When these buttons have a scroll effect applied, only the active slide is shown, as the other two are put in their “Exit” state.

Ideally, the scroll effects could remain, so that when navigating through the slides, all three slide buttons animate into view, and all three can be used.

I had the two lists, with and without scroll effects, to demonstrate that static buttons are all visible on all slides, and it is the scroll effects that makes them not show up (stuck in their exit states).


I think I was wrong about the noDisable attribute, maybe this isn’t what I was looking for. But is there something similar that could achieve this?