Feature request: Edit a Component from Cornerstone


Back in the Global Block times, we were able to click on the “Edit” button that would open a GB in the editor.

It would be very convenient if we had the same with Components: an edit button to open it in the new tab.


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Hi Misho, at the very top of the interface, above the name of the component, is the word “Component” underlined. That’s a link and does exactly what you want. Quite subtle…

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@striata Thanks! There is?

I looked thoroughly, and I still cannot see it lol.

Maybe I am doing something wrong, but anyway, we used to have a pencil icon in the top right corner of the actual component. That would still be the most intuitive way to edit a component found on the page.

Btw, I just lost styles on the accordion test component inside Cornerstone. I hope these kinds of things will stop from happening. it was a draft page and everything looked well. This happened once I published it live.

This is how it looks for me. The “Accordion: Publication” is an exported component (an accordion, in this case). This is in Pro 6.2.6.

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All right, so I just found the issue: I was using the “Component” element instead of dropping the actual component.

I think old Global blocks all converted to this, and they lost the edit icon in the process.

I still think that this element should get the edit icon back, especially for all the old converted Global blocks that used it.


I might want to add to this a general point, @charlie, that confuses me quite a bit. There seem to be SEVERAL “things” that are all called component. The componenet document, from which you can export components, the component element that you have used, Misho, and the exported component itself. They are very different from each other, but all have the same name.

It’s been requested before, but yes let’s definitely add an edit button in the preview like in 5. Always liked the idea of a toolbar on the observer similar to the below, could exist for other actions as well. I do think “Component” can be a little ambiguous. The actual editor is really more of a “Workspace” now and is called Component Workspace internally. The “Component” Misho is dealing with internally is called “Component Direct”. It is sorta just there just for global block support, but it could maybe be called “Component Workspace” to match the new name. Curious your thoughts knowing the background. It would be nice to take a couple of passes at Components for the next minor release.



I think calling the component builder the component workspace is a very fitting name. The elements that are exported could be the components. The document that you work on in the component workspace would be… a component document, I guess? So, in the element library you would find the components, and in the builder menu you would find the component documents.
The leaves the component element. I can’t think of a good name for that.

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Yes, I agree that the Component Workspace is more clear for the Component element, since it inserts the entire document regardless of how many components are exported from it.

With regards of the toolbar, it is a cool idea, but I think I would like an option i settings to disable it and leave the right-click only, in case I feel that it is “in the way” of the design. I love Cornerstone for being so clean.

That being said, assigning a shortcut to its toggle would allow having it when quick repetitive actions are taking place, although, most of those actions have their own shortcuts as well.

Btw, while on the topic, it would be cool to have such an edit button on navigation elements as well. Perhaps they could open links like this one, in a new window?


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