Feature request: Dev Toolkit tool to copy and paste element Effects

I wonder if it would be easy to implement a tool within the Dev Toolkit Tools tab to allow users to copy and paste the Effects tab or the Customize tab between elements.

This would be especially useful for the Effects tab, to be able to copy across the Scroll Entrance and Exit effects being applied, or any Hover effects. And extra especially to copy between elements of different types, so that similar effects can quickly be applied to a variety of elements on a page.

The same might be useful for just the Customize tab, copying any custom attributes that have been added, and especially being able to copy conditions (this might be super useful to have its own Copy tool separated from the rest of the Customize tab actually)

I guess the ID shouldn’t be copied, but other than that perhaps?

Just a thought!


A better copy system would be great. I love the idea of having a copy “tab” functionality. Something similar has definitely been brought up before, I’ll definitely add your throughts there when we tackle this.

The ID doesn’t get copied by default unless it’s using Dynamic Content so we are already good there. Same with things like component_id as that would cause issues.

Have a great weekend.