Export Component With Prefab Not Updating

Hi Charlie,

I may have stumbled upon a minor glitch with the export prefabs. I have some CS Charts which are located in a Component. The Component has three child sections, all of which are set to export with prefab. I noticed that if any of the charts are amended and saved, the changes do not reflect through to either the Woocommerce Single Layout, in which the exported component is placed, nor do the changes show on the front-end.

Is this something you have come across, or can replicate?


I was failing to see what was different in the Component vs the component on the Single layout. Did I miss something here? Was this more related to your chart resizing issue mentioned in your other post?

No, the issue is that if a change is made to the chart, say a new item is added or removed, it does not come through automatically to the front end when the export is set to prefab. I need to remove the component from the layout and add it back in again.

A new item as in an item in your parameter list?

Yes, that is correct. Either if a new item is added (as in the screenshots below), or if the parameter structure is altered in any way, the changes do not get pushed through as prefab. The only way to get the changes showing is to delete the export component in the layout and add it back in again:

This is the component before any changes - note the top section of “Percentage” items

Here, a new item has been added to the list and the component saved - it is set to Export and Prefab

The next screenshot is in the Woocommerce Single layout named Product - Variable and is after the export component has been saved. It is the same on the front end - notice none of the changes from the previous screenshot have been pulled through.

So in this case the parameter list wouldn’t change unless you changed the initial value. What I would do is create another component that utilizes this component and export the component using this component. That way you can control it one spot and it’ll change in the spots you use the doubly exported components. The prefab copies the parameter list you have setup, but won’t change for any pages using that component when you change the parameter list inside the component unless you reinsert the component. Let me know if that helps.