Ethos blog page customization

Hi, I am currently using the Ethos theme with the blog set as the front page. I would like to add an ‘intro’ text section at the top of the “x-main full” div container. Is this possible?

Hello @mwong,

Thanks for asking :slight_smile:

Please note that the customisation you are looking for will require changes in theme files which falls outside the scope of support we can offer. However to help you get started I can point you in right direction.

First, as this will require changes in theme files I suggest you to setup child theme. You can use following resources to download and setup child theme.

Download Child theme from following source:

Please take a look at following article to setup child theme:

After that you can copy _index.php from /wp-content/themes/x/framework/views/ethos/ and paste under /wp-content/themes/x-child/framework/views/ethos/. Please note that you need to create the child folders in the same order. Next you can add the text either in <p> tag or heading tags but make sure to add the code before following code.

<ul class="option-set unstyled" data-option-key="filter">

To learn more about HTML heading tags and <p>, please take a look at following resources.

Heading Tag:
Paragraph Tags:


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