Essential Grid Infinite Scroll & Deeplink

Hi - Ive got Essential Grid installed.
It loads the first 20 items in the grid, and uses infinite scroll as the user scrolls down the page to load more items in the grid. I have deep-linking enabled also. Everything works fine for the first 20 items in the grid only. If I try to load a deep-link URL for anything past the first 20, even for the 21st item in the grid for example, it wont load (obviously as the item is not loaded into the page) Is there a way to trigger a “load more” event and recheck the page for the deep link # item?

Hello @vanessaeggs,

Thanks for writing to us.

To enable the infinite scroll or load more pagination please have a look at the documentation of the Essential Grid. In case if it doesn’t work for you please share your details in a secure note. Please provide the following details

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts


Hi Prakash,

Infinite scroll works fine. Im saying it does not work with deep linking. Deep linking also works fine (so I dont need to know how to setup that up either). But if the grid on page load, shows 20 items in the grid and I have the deep link loaded for item 21, it wont show. How do I get the page to load more items in the grid to show the deep link item?


Hey Vanessa,

Please give us access to your site so we could check your setup. See what we need in my colleague’s post. Also, tell us what’s the name of the grid you’re working on.


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