Error after upgrade


Erreur fatale : Erreur non interceptée : Appel à une fonction membre get_upe_enabled_payment_method_ids() sur null dans /htdocs/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-gateway-stripe/woocommerce-gateway-stripe.php:664 Stack trace : #0 /htdocs/wp -includes/class-wp-hook.php(309) : WC_Stripe->checkout_update_email_field_priority(Array) #1 /htdocs/wp-includes/plugin.php(191) : WP_Hook->apply_filters(Array, Array) #2 /htdocs /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/class-wc-countries.php(1616): apply_filters(‘woocommerce_bil…’, Array, ‘CH’) #3 /htdocs/wp-content/plugins/tco-woo- checkout-editor/includes/tco_woo_checkout.woo.functions.php(47): WC_Countries->get_address_fields(‘CH’, ‘ dans /htdocs/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-gateway-stripe/woocommerce-gateway-stripe.php en ligne 664

Response to Plugin: WooCommerce Stripe Payment Gateway :
Your error is caused by your woo checkout field editor plugin /htdocs/wp-content/plugins/tco-woo-checkout-editor/

please watch …
have a good day

Hello @Cwi_Suisse,

Thanks for writing to us.

It might be the issue of the PHP version I would suggest please make sure your server PHP version is 7.4 or 7.4+ as per our version compatibility page.

It is also recommended by WordPress as well. Please have a look at this article.

I would suggest you please contact your hosting provider to upgrade the server PHP version to 7.4 or 7.4+. After settings the server configuration if it doesn’t work for you I would suggest you troubleshoot with a few of the common issues before we investigate your settings.

  1. Testing For Theme Related Issue
  2. Testing For Plugin Conflict
  3. Theme Update
  4. Child Theme
  5. Css/Js Customization
  6. Increasing Php Memory Limit
  7. Disabling Cache
  8. Disabling Cdn
  9. Permalinks
  10. Version Compatibility

If none of those work, It would be best if you could copy your live website to your staging area. and send your details in a secure note so that we can investigate your setting without breaking your live site. Please provide the following details

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password
  • FTP Details

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts


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