Elements vs. Classic Elements

I have to delete all the Classic Feature List elements because they are not updating with the correct fonts.
What element do I use now? Can’t seem to find it under new Elements.

if you look on home page, qt-consultants.com, same issue with Classic Headline elements vs. new Headline elements.
I’m having to replace them one at a time. I left a few so you can see the difference.


Hi There,

The classic elements will still use the same font you set on Theme Options | Typography.

There is no new element for the Feature list you still use the classic in that case.

Same goes for the slider for example.

If you have set a different font for your other elements you need to adjust on Theme Options | Typography so all your classic elements follow the same style.

Hope it helps

I sent you the url so you could see the examples I am referring to because that is exactly what I did but the changes are not sticking.

Can you please looks at the home page of the url I sent in the secure message. Using Headline element as an example…

Classic Headline element: i’ve changes the fonts on theme Options < Typography a dozen times. It doesn’t stick.

New Headline element: I added the new Headline element on this same page and you can see that the correct font does stick. If you scroll towards the bottom of the page you will see that I left one of the columns that has the same headline text in the Classic Headline element and right below it is the new Headline element. The Classic Headline element font won’t update when i change it. It obviously works with the new Headline element.

I’m using this as an example because the same thing occurs with the Classic Feature List element. None of them are updating. When I apply the changes, they don’t stick.

I’m trying to prevent hours of work replacing numerous elements with new elements or even adding new Classic elements.

Thanks in advance.


Hi There,

Go to Theme Options > Typography and turn off the font-manager and it will work.

Also always remember to clear the cache.

Hope it helps

Wow! Thanks so much.

Wish i would have reached out to you weeks ago.

Glad that you have managed to fix the issue.

If you are considering to use the Font Manager (Which I strongly suggest you do), you will save hours of work in the future if you decide to change the Font.

Kindly read the details about the Font Manager here:


Thank you.

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