Element not editable due to error message in Cornerstone builder


We are facing a problem where we are not able to edit an element. We get the following error.
"The definition for this element could not be located. You may need to activate a plugin. The type declared for this element is “undefined”

We notice that when we deactivate the plugin ‘WooPayments’ and ‘LiteSpeed Cache’ the error disappears and we are able to edit the element.

We are facing this problem a few weeks now. First I thought it might be a bug, but after updates, the problem is still here.

We are out of solutions and deactivating the payment plugin on a webshop does not sound as an solution to us.
Any ideas on how to fix this.

Thanks in advance,

Hey Kenneth,

Thanks for writing in! When the “WooPayments” or “LiteSpeed Cache” is temporarily disabled, what Cornerstone element displays the error? Does this happen to all Cornerstone elements? I would love to check your site. You can create a secure note in your next reply with the following info:
– Link to your site
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– Confirmation that we can access and make changes to your site

To know how to create a secure note, please check this out: How The Forum Works


Best Regards.

Hello Ruenel,

Thanks for your response.
Please see the login details in secure note.

We face the problem on all elements within the Cornerstone builder.
When we try to edit a page now, it even shows a new error. Image attached. If you could take a look, that would be great.

Thank you so much in advance.

Hey Kenneth,

I tried to debug your website and I found out that it is an exhaust memory error.

With that said, in your wp-config.php file, I added this code and it fixed your issue.

define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M' );

Hope that helps.


Thank you very much Marc.

Hi Kenneth,

You are most welcome.

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