Dropdown Nav bar - add logo and image


I would like that when i use my nav bar the whole screen, it is the only thing displayed on the screen. When i click the button it should open up the nav bar, whilst it is open i would like to display the logo at the bottom left of the page and an image in the centre of the page.

an example of this with the logo is on hotel creative.com - additionally i wanted to add an image to the centre of the page

how would i go about doing this

Hi There,

It could be achieved with the SuperFly extension, you can take a look at the document page here:

Then add a section with an image element inside.

Hope it helps :slight_smile:

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all done thanks!

Is there a way to make the width always set to 100% with Superfly ?

Hey Sed,

Regretfully, there’s no option out of the box for this. It can be done using custom CSS but please note that this is not recommended and we will not support issues that will arise from the use of it.

Try adding this code in Theme Options > CSS.

#sfm-sidebar, .sfm-sidebar-bg, #sfm-sidebar .sfm-nav, #sfm-sidebar .sfm-logo, #sfm-sidebar .sfm-social, .sfm-style-toolbar .sfm-copy {
    width:100% !important;

Hope that helps and thank you for understanding.

Hi, it did not work, instead the menu button disappears

In that case, you will need to consult with a third party developer for this because this is not a feature offered by Superfly.

Thank you for understanding.

Okay :slight_smile: Thanks for getting back to me

Hello, sorry to bother you again Christian, i am trying to get the menu to display similarly to the picture you sent me - instead of editing the width of the page to 100% and have the background centred, could i get an image to pop up which covers the webpage content when the menu button is clicked and disappear when i come off the menu?

That would also require additional custom work which is regretfully beyond the scope of our support.

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