Download Beta Prerelease Version

Hi themeco, i just registered for the prerelease (beta) versions for pro. As i found in your description it should appear as a download link in the dashboard or should be available as automatic download.
But i couldn’t find it in dashboard or as download in the update process. Is it provided only for a specific time period?

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The beta is not available yet

Thx for that info. Do you know is there a subscription for a newsletter or another notification?

@Regnalf, sorry for not replying sooner. We always send out an email with each beta release

Hey, I didn’t received invitation this time. ¿Any reason?

Hey @armandogomez,

Sorry about that, we actually announced it on social media first because we’re doing this beta in multiple stages and working through the first round of feedback before doing another beta with the archive builder active. We will send an email once we’ve cleared through the first wave of issues and feedback.

Your new beta version 4.2. should be online now according to the email. I also have the

define('THEMECO_PRERELEASES', true );

set, but unfortunately no update information in the WordPress available. Is it perhaps because I try it on a multi-site? Or is the rollout gradually?

Thx @Regnalf

Hi @Regnalf,

Yes, that would be related to multisite. We don’t officially support automatic updates on multisite because there’s no way to run theme code at the network level. You might just need to install it manually, but this is much easier now that WordPress allows you to upload the same theme and overwrite it.