Display a menu in columns

This may be out of range of support but wondering if its possible to display a menu in columns. something like where every 5th item starts a new column. so if like 20 items in menu it would display in 4 columns of 5. is it just a css thing?

Hello There,

Thanks for writing in! It seems that you want to display a Mega Menu. Please check out our knowledge base articles to know how you can set up like one.

Or you can install uberMenu plugin and use mega menus with it.

Hope this helps.

A mega menu is what i am looking for, but i am looking to display it within the page as a widget not in the main nav.

Basically want to create like a “services” menu that has links to all services page. but have 20 of them. so would like to show them in 4 columns on bottom of page to link to them. i realize i could in sidebar or do it manually but would rather find a better solution.

Hey There,

The best you can do is to create manual link texts added in columns. You may create a section, row with 4 columns and in each column, there is where you will insert your link texts which is linked to each of your categories. This is the easiest and plugin free solution.

Hope this helps.

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